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Activists or Heretics? Call to Action Conference for Progressive Catholics

by Adam J. Lovinus A thousand or so anti-war protesters assembled downtown outside the Midwest Express Center the Saturday evening before Election Tuesday, for what appeared to be an old-fashioned activist gettogether: Green Party candidates were out campaigning; there was jangly folk music playing; and freak-flags of all kinds were flying high as peace activist […]

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Letter from Zagora

(Ed. Note: This file was emailed with a date of April 1, 2050. At first it seemed to be an elaborate April Fools joke, complete with somehow messing with my gmail dateline, but it was so interesting I thought we would share it…) April 1, 2050 Greetings from the future. Some of my young friends […]

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Optician With a Vision

Story and photo by Laura Richard Walking into Bronze Optical felt like walking into someone’s home. Cozy rooms were filled with strategically placed antique furniture. No florescent lights. Bronze immediately greeted me with a smile and asked if I cared to join him for a cup of tea. Bronze Quinton and his life and business […]

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Harambee Connection

Stories and photo by Charlesetta Thompson African American Holiday Traditions Black people all over the world are festive, so why not in Milwaukee’s Harambee community? Watch Night Most churches in African American communities celebrate New Year’s Eve with a “Watch Night” service that usually begins at 9 or 10 pm, with singing, praying and testimony […]

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Getting Paid to Dream

by Jacob Hey & Jan Christensen Take seven kids between the ages of 16 and 19, add the usual suspects of Riverwest activism, put them all to work on neighborhood projects for the summer, and you’ve got some interesting alchemy. You can be sure you’re going to break boundaries, expand viewpoints, and clash cultures. That’s […]