Neighbor Spotlight — Johanna Rose by Ellen C Warren “Music is what I do.” It is not the answer to a question. It is a pronouncement. An explanation. Her big upright bass, leaning against the wall, stands witness. Musician, vocalist, artist, songwriter Johanna Rose has thrown her heart into her greatest love, music. And even […]
Neighbor Spotlight
April Neighbor Spotlight 2016
Rob Owens by Ellen C Warren Rob Owens is not your average skateboarder. He’s a pro, with a capital P, Professional. He does not just slide smooth and easy down the street. He jumps his board into the air grabbing the edge of a bench or flying over whatever he chooses to put in […]
May Neighbor Spotlight 2016
Remembering Ruthie by Ellen C. Warren and Phoenix Blazing, Photo of Ruth O’Malley by Anna Maria Contreras From Ellen: Ruth Maria O’Malley. That was always her name. She was Joey’s mom, foster mom to Laura, Rosena, Bruce, friend to untold numbers, sister, aunt, niece, daughter, muse. Some of us called her Phoophie, others Ruthie, a […]
Riverwest Neighbor Spotlight June 2016
Neighbor Spotlight: Chelsea England, a little Ray of Riverwest Sunshine by Alice M Waraxa Riverwest meet Chelsea. Most of you already know her because she is friend to you or you may know someone who knows her. She is friend to the Co-ops, friend to animals, and also friend with positive vibes to share. […]
Year in Review: October 2016 Neighbor Spotlight Chuck Stebleton -followed by RAA Artist Profile Johnothan Laws
by Peggy Schulz “It’s home,” Chuck Stebelton says of Riverwest, the place he’s lived longer than any other, including his childhood in western Michigan and several years in Chicago. It’s fitting that Stebelton feels so comfortable here. Many of the positive aspects of the neighborhood – diversity, dynamism, openness, stability and even an element of […]
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