Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Dr. Dave

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss, photo by Peter DiAntoni

Dr. Dave was David Schemberger, MD, in a previous life, but he stopped practicing more than a decade ago. He became convinced modern medicine was causing more problems than it was solving. “I saw myself giving pills to people who continued to abuse themselves in habitual ways — it kept them from ever getting healthy,” he said, referring to patients with cardiovascular and other problems.

Posted inColumns

A Chinese Medicine Approach to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome is a disabling, poorly understood multi-system illness. In the United States it has been referred to as the “yuppie flu.” The symptoms are an array of neurological, nueromuscular, and immunological abnormalities combined with cognitive impairment, disabling fatigue, and recurrent bouts of flu-like illness. These can be either short and mild or prolonged and debilitating.

Posted inNeighborhood News

Exploring Riverwest Health Needs

Now that Riverwest has a large health clinic in the neighborhood, people here don’t have far to go to receive medical care from doctors and residents. At an April 10 meeting, Columbia St. Mary’s health care workers asked Riverwest neighbors how their work at the clinic on North and Humboldt can help fix what ails us.

Posted inColumns

Wild Lettuce (lactua virosa)

Did you know your dinner salad can calm you down and reduce pain?

Wild lettuce, latuca virosa, which is related to most varieties of domesticated lettuce that we commonly eat, has been used traditionally to produce a substance that is used as a cough suppressant, pain reliever, and a hypnotic that promotes relaxation and sleep.

Posted inBusiness Briefs

March 2003

The Columbia-St. Mary’s Family Health Center nearly finishied moving to Riverwest – Realty Executives office opens in Riverwest – The Pub is for sale