Posted inCommentary & Opinion

On Nader’s Service to Democracy

by David Coles

Ralph Nader’s recent entry into the field of presidential candidates was met, by and large, with a range of derisions from individuals in the media and the public: Democrats angry and scared that his bid will tip the scales in favor of the Republicans; Republicans smirking, confident that this hopeless run will seal the deal for George W.; cynics on all sides ridiculing this dreamer’s long-shot attempt, while they paint him as a receding attention-hound.

They are all misguided.

Posted inNeighborhood News

Fighting to Save Our Schools

Lisa Samper is a K-4 teacher at Elm Creative Arts, and she loves it. Recently, however, she learned that after this school year she won’t be returning to her classroom. “I can’t imagine teaching anywhere else,” she says. “It’s my dream school.”

Posted inMusic & Events

National Election Action Day

On May 8th, hundreds of grassroots groups and tens of thousands of us will join forces in the biggest one-day voter mobilization effort in American history. Together, we will contact over 1 million voters and register over 250,000 folks to vote. We’ll also prove to Republicans and the media that while President Bush may have more money, we have the people-power to win.

Posted inNeighborhood News

Protest Cancelled for Fear of Precipitating Post-Election Riot

When asked whether it was responsible to put language about riots out in a press release, McGee said his wife questioned him on that as well. But he says, “I didn’t make those comments, I was just reporting it. We do need to talk about the possibilities and be aware of what people are thinking and talking about.” He also stated that his father, notorious for making threats against various white people and organizations while he held the office of alderman, is not officially campaigning for him or Pratt and called off a planned protest of Journal Sentinel offices at Pratt’s request…

Posted inNeighborhood News

Pratt & Barrett: Time to cover something else

April 1–Milwaukee mayoral candidates Marvin Pratt and Tom Barrett joined today in asking the news media to shift the spotlight from their campaigns to the Milwaukee County Executive race in the final days before Tuesday’s election.

“We’ve enjoyed the attention, but let’s face it — there is only so much you can say about us,” Barrett and Pratt said in an unusual joint statement.