Posted inHarambee Connection

Craig Wroten

Like so many other community-based organizations, HOPI operates on a shoestring budget, love and passion for the community and a commitment to harmonic and prosperous living for its members. Wroten says that each block is uniquely different and he could spend a week or more on each block, solving problems and addressing complaints. Unfortunately, his hands-on time is severely limited.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Brian Verdin

In this month of Father’s Day, the neighbor spotlight focuses on Brian Verdin. In his soft-spoken manner, he does not exactly brag about his five sons, but he is clearly pleased with the choices they have made in their lives so far. He is one very proud father.

Posted inHarambee Connection

Harambee Connection Celebrates Women’s History Month


In celebration of Women’s History Month the Harambee neighborhood posthumously recognizes one of many trailblazers, Elizabeth (Betty) Boyd. With a rich history that includes grassroots leaderships, and involvement, many have been led to a feeling of community pride. The Harambee Ombudsman Project, Inc. (HOPI) recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary, and is happy to have counted her among their ranks. It is impossible to name all of the women who have worked in the trenches, beside the men over the years.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Katy Van Dunk

Katy Van Dunk has lived in Riverwest almost her entire life, but that’s doesn’t mean she has been a Riverwester for 50 years. In fact, she’s lived in the neighborhood for nearly 14 years, and as a young resident, she’s got some insights to share.

Posted inUncategorized

Warrior When Necessary

Alderman Michael McGee, Jr. is cutting his teeth on the hard tack of city politics in a district that is as diverse as Riverwest, but may be even more challenging.