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Mayoral Candidates on Most Important Neighborhood Issues

Eight mayoral candidates were asked the following question: “What do you think is the most important issue facing our city neighborhoods, and how would you address that concern as mayor?” Here are the answers from Tom Barrett, Pedro Colon, Frank Cumberbatch, Sandy Folaron, Martin Matson, Tom Nardelli, and Marvin Pratt.

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

Police Against Peace: An Open Letter to Chief Jones

by Dasha Kelly

I am writing you this letter to make you aware of an egregious insult and disservice your officers of the 7th District levied against the City’s young people last week. . . . In support of their efforts, Mecca assisted with media relations for the event and extended our venue for an under-21 “after party” and fundraiser later that evening. When I arrived to unlock the building for Teen Poetry at 7 p.m., however, a police officer (Sgt. Marshall) was waiting for me. He said that Cpt. Ruzinski had instructed him to “make sure this [event] doesn’t happen.”