Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Neighbor Spotlight: Denise Crumble



by Sue Blaustein – Photo by Joshua Sutton


Denise Crumble has lived in Riverwest for thirty-two years, and she is not someone who drifts through life taking events as they come.  Her decision to move to Riverwest in 1979 was a characteristically considered one, with the aim of living in concert with closely-held principles while meeting her needs as a single mother.  She was a student at UWM majoring in secondary education, raising her daughter Fatima, and pregnant with her son Bakeer when she moved into a building at Booth and Burleigh.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

Wendy Green, Neighbor Spotlight

by Tiffany Donald

In her role as director of COA’s Adult Basic Education/GED program, longtime Riverwest resident Wendy Green has the important job of demonstrating to her young students that life can change in positive and unexpected ways. Her journey is a great example of this, and her devotion to the teenagers who come to her looking for a second chance at education is yielding real rewards.

Posted inNeighborhood News

Transition Milwaukee

by Erik Lindberg

Transition Milwaukee is the local branch of Transition USA, which works closely with the Transition Network, a UK-based organization that started it all. To learn more, visit, or attend one of the many events announced on the website. –Ed.

When people think about environ-mentalism or the green movement, many picture wind turbines and solar panels, hybrid cars and canvas shopping bags. Sustainability means changing your light bulbs to CFLs, buying products advertised as biodegradable or organic, paper instead of plastic, and separating recyclables. 

You may shop at farmers markets and encourage legislation for high-speed rail. You probably lower your heat, insulate your house and bundle errands to limit driving. 

You “lower your carbon footprint” while listening hopefully to promises of clean-burning natural gas, ethanol-fueled cars, carbon-dioxide free nuclear, and new sources of oil.