Posted inNeighborhood News

Interacting with nature: Good for the body, good for the psyche


by Marissa Reik
We are all familiar with the benefits of physical activity. Engaging in a normal exercise routine as part of a healthy lifestyle can optimize immune functioning, boost our body’s energy level, and help keep us younger longer. What is less apparent, however, is the fact that incorporating nature into our exercise regimen can provide additional social, cognitive, and psychological benefits as well. 




Posted inNeighborhood News

Our Milwaukee – Riverwest Co-op

Riverwest Co-op Grocery & Café
by Lisa Knapp, Photo Vince Bushell, Mary front, Doug and Shelly

Since the Riverwest Co-op Grocery & Café has been open, they have worked to become a staple in our community.  Starting as just a small neighborhood grocery buying club, they have proved both the success and importance of local business since opening doors to the public in 2001.