Ok… you’ve got way too much time on your hands to come up with this one. Or… you’re a very scent-observant person! That brown stuff that most of us stay as far away from as possible consists of more than just minerals and nutrients. In fact, soil closest to the surface is largely a combination of fungal hyphae (the root-like structures of mushrooms), bacteria (mostly the good kind that plants need), and decaying leaves, roots, and other organic material (anything that is or was living at one point).
Belle Bergner
Posted inColumns
How can the climate be warming when it’s -9 degrees Fahrenheit outside? Why do some plants stay green in the fall?
Honestly, when I woke up sometime in early February and it was as cold in Riverwest as it was in Anchorage, I asked the same question — but only for a second. Because I know the question is actually misplaced. The fact that it’s -9 F outside has nothing to do with whether the climate is warming or cooling. Neither does the mid-summer day when it is a desperate 99 F. …
Posted inColumns
How Does Road Salt Affect Soil Quality?
Ever wonder why some plants stay greener longer in the fall? What causes the leaves to change colors and why are some leaves red, orange or yellow? What’s the big deal about this invisible gas, carbon dioxide? What’s the big deal about exotic plants? Is air pollution getting any better?
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