Posted inEditorials

Opinion – Can We All Get Along?

by Ellen C. Warren 

Rodney King died a couple weeks ago. At 47 years of age. Anyone over 12 probably remembers Mr. King. Beaten to a pulp by L.A. policemen, whose acquittal from charges sparked riots in Los Angeles. Rodney King, whose simple question, “Can we all get along?” lives on, still unsatisfactorily answered. Would he have lived longer without the beating? More to the point, would he have lived longer if he hadn’t been born black?

Welcome to Milwaukee! In 2005 The Black Commentator chose the 10 Worst States in the U.S. to be Black. Guess who topped the list? In their words, “Wisconsin, and in particular the Milwaukee area justly merit the invidious distinction of the worst place in the nation to be black.” The deciding factor, because it so profoundly affects the entire community, was the percentage of the black population that is incarcerated. In 2005 that number was just over 4%. Four or five out of every hundred black Wisconsinites held in jail or prison!