Posted inNeighborhood News

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

“Don’t Quit Your Day Job” • Local Farming Needs Infrastructure Support •by Suzanne Zipperer

There’s a lot of talk about local food production. We need to move from a global food system with marginal profits for farmers and retailers both, to a new system that guarantees consumers the volume and assortment of food they want, all at a fair price for everyone – farmers, distributors, retailers and consumers. What is it going to take?

Posted inNeighborhood News

Milwaukee Area Time Exchange

Time Exchange Launches in the Riverwest by Debbie Davis

Start with any three block area in the Riverwest. Take an inventory of all the human resources. You will most likely find carpenters, chefs, childcare providers, website designers, artists, medics, gardeners, teachers, community organizers, writers, people who sew, who drive, who will pick up the phone, who will shelter your cat, who will play basketball with your kids, who will visit your grandparents.