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Comfrey – Symphytum officinal

Last summer, someone suggested that Comfrey might be considered the official plant of Riverwest. A stroll down the alleys anywhere in the neighborhood reveals this fuzzy, friendly, dark-sage-green plant bursting through cracks in the concrete and festooning the fence lines of vacant lots. With its dark purple, bell-shaped flowers and lush, handsome foliage, it could […]

Posted inArts & Entertainment

Rebecca Gilman’s Spinning Into Butter

Fortunately for the Milwaukee art community, the Off-Broadway Theatre (342 N. Water St.), had the courage to stage Rebecca Gilman’s Spinning Into Butter. Gilman’s play, set at a small liberal college in Vermont, confronts the insidious nature of racism while also exploring how political correctness can be a destructive agent in dealing with racism.

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A Chinese Medicine Approach to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome is a disabling, poorly understood multi-system illness. In the United States it has been referred to as the “yuppie flu.” The symptoms are an array of neurological, nueromuscular, and immunological abnormalities combined with cognitive impairment, disabling fatigue, and recurrent bouts of flu-like illness. These can be either short and mild or prolonged and debilitating.