Posted inCommentary & Opinion

Foreclosure: Losing Your Home

Foreclosure is the legal process by which a local government takes title to a property. Milwaukee County is the local government body that would take this action as a last resort when all other efforts at collection of unpaid property taxes had failed. The foreclosure process can begin in Milwaukee County after your taxes have been delinquent for more than one year.

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

Materialism and Idealism in American Life

by George Santayana

The pioneer must devote himself to preparations; he must work for the future, and it is healthy and dutiful of him to love his work for its own sake. At the same time, unless reference to an ultimate purpose is at least virtual in all his activities, he runs the danger of becoming a living automaton, vain and ignominious in its mechanical constancy. Idealism about work can hide an intense materialism about life. Man, if he is a rational being, cannot live by bread alone nor be a labourer merely; he must eat and work in view of an ideal harmony which overarches all his days, and which is realised in the way they hang together, or in some ideal issue which they have in common. Otherwise, though his technical philosophy may call itself idealism, he is a materialist in morals; he esteems things, and esteems himself, for mechanical uses and energies. Even sensualists, artists, and pleasure-lovers are wiser than that, for though their idealism may be desultory or corrupt, they attain something ideal, and prize things only for their living effects, moral though perhaps fugitive.

Posted inCommentary & Opinion

It is Your Home and with it Comes Your Property Taxes

If you own your home, your City of Milwaukee property taxes for 2002 are due on January 31, 2003. If you have a mortgage on your home, the taxes may be part of an escrow account that the bank holds for you and uses to pay your taxes for you. Then you have to do little more than make your monthly mortgage payments, and the bank is collecting your tax money for eventual payment.