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by Beth Fetterley, Director of Education, Urban Ecology Center Sometimes called “mosquito hawks,” dragonflies are my favorite insects to observe. On a sunny afternoon, in a field not too far from water, these insects can be seen eating mosquitoes, moths, flies, grasshoppers, and even other dragonflies! In the insect world, they are the master hunters. […]

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The Phenology of Nature

by Jim McGinity A juvenile Red-headed Wood-pecker has been entertaining students and Riverside Park visitors throughout the fall and winter. It was first seen in November and seems to be sticking around in the same area. With the mild winter and abundant mast (acorn) crop, this bird will most likely survive the winter right in […]

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A New Educational Tool for the Urban Ecology Center: Alternatively Fueled Vans!

Thanks to the generosity of Wisconsin Energy Corpor-ation, a small grant from the state, and a discount from Hall Chevrolet, soon you will see two brand new vans circulating in the neighborhood. These vans will look much like any van from the outside, but an astute observer will notice something interesting. Where the spare tire is normally stored is an extra fuel tank and on the side of the van there is not one gas cap but two!