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Eco Friendly Gifts

Do you have difficulty coming up with unique gifts for friends and family? Why not keep both their interests and the environment in mind when buying this holiday season? Eco-friendly gifts are abundant, and you can find a great gift for nearly anyone with a little investigation.

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Citizen Scientists

When you hear the word “scientist,” what comes to mind? A man with a white lab coat, goggles, and frizzy hair holding a beaker of bubbling, mysterious liquid? How about a grandmother of three, tagging a monarch butterfly? How about a high school student counting snakes in a neighborhood park, or your co-worker listening for frog calls at dusk on a summer weekend? How about — YOU — doing any of these things, and more?

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Perseid Meteor Shower

Enjoy the Perseid Showers this August!

No I’m not talking about rain. The Perseid showers happen every year in August and offer a wonderful display of “shooting stars.” The term shooting star is a misnomer in that the brilliant lights traveling across the night sky are not stars, but comet dust. As comets revolve around the sun, dust is left behind in their orbits…

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Water, Water Everywhere But Not a Drop to Drink

Here we are, the pinnacle of civilization, and we still don’t know how to handle our own waste! There is value in auditing the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), as has been proposed by community leaders, but let’s not forget whose mess the MMSD is chartered to clean up.