Posted inNeighborhood News

Milwaukee Temps Bus

A Milwaukee Temps bus is creating quite a stir in Riverwest, according to resident Chris Merkel. Merkel, of the 3300 block of N. Bremen, reports that her neighbor (employed by Milwaukee Temps), began parking the Temps bus across the street from her home in mid-January.

Posted inRNA News

RNA Considers Development Proposals

Nearly 30 people gathered at the YMCA CDC office for the April Riverwest Neighborhood Association (RNA) meeting to hear proposals by representatives of two businesses and one developer interested in buying the long-vacant Biopak building on Humboldt and Center.

Posted inNeighborhood News

April Showers Bring May Flowers

“When should I plant?” is a common question for Wisconsin gardeners. Often gardeners wait until Memorial Day to plant, but that means they are missing a chance to plant flowers and vegetables that actually perform better in cool weather.

Of course you could have planted bulbs last fall and you would already have a host of color in your yard by May.