Posted inFurther Down Stream

April 2003

Walker tries to stymie anti-freeway expansion initiatives of city residents – State budget cuts kill Riverwest plan to clean contaminated soil at Garden Park – Greening Milwaukee FREE CD-ROM to be released soon – County drives W-2 food stamp case workers onto the streets – Aldermanic Council to be reduced – Good Jobs and Livable Neighborhoods coalition aims to influence downtown development – SAGE receives $2,500 grant

Posted inUncategorized

Go Fish

by Jeff Johnson, photo by Peter DiAntoni

A soft-spoken man with a plug of tobacco stuffed in his cheek, Acie White has the patient demeanor of a fisherman who has spent many pleasurable hours angling the banks of rivers and lakes.

Posted inNeighbor Spotlight

John Lindquist

by Jan Christensen / photo by Peter DiAntoni

John Lindquist had intended to join the Marine Corps right after he graduated from Washington High School in 1966. But he went to London to see the Rolling Stones first. Then, as so often happens, life got complicated.