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A dab of lavender oil on a stubbed toe immediately takes away the teeth-clenching, hopping-up-and-down pain. A bit massaged into the temples can ease a tension headache. If you’re heading out for a night of wild partying, you may want to choose a different scene–it can make anyone who comes close to you feel calm and serene.

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Citizen Kane lay on his deathbed and uttered his last word, “Rosebud.”

This is an enigma to those who hear it. But the magic that is motion pictures reveals the longing for those joys of secure childhood play. A simple toy — a sled — is what this man of wealth and power remembers as he dies. And where did Citizen Kane go after he died?

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Extremes of the Animal Condition

I recently realized how many people I know who have chosen not to have children but adopt pets instead. It doesn’t matter if they’re in a committed human relationship or not, they love and treat their pets exactly as children, going so far as to take them almost everywhere, buy them anything, and surround themselves with other pet lovers. They look out for animals, and many of them are involved in breed rescue and pet fostering.

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Viewing The Heavens From Our Own Backyard

Living in a densely populated area of the city has its rewards: cultural diversity, a wide array of independent businesses and shops, and potential for a dynamic, vibrant community. But if you happen to be an amateur astronomer, living in the middle of a big city must be a nightmare, right? Well, according to a recent meeting of interested stargazers at Riverside Park, nothing could be further from the truth.