The new mural in the teen room at COA Youth & Family Centers jumps right out at you. You can’t miss it. Teens at COA were “given the wall” and decided what to do and what to paint. Their vision was to create a mural that depicts COA and the world that opens up to them. Beginning in September, COA staff member Nate Reyser had teens sketching ideas during the Art After School Program. Milwaukee Public Theater, with Julio Pabon’s art direction, combined the teen sketches into a theme: “COA opens up a world of opportunities.” At least 18 teens participated in designing and painting the mural, and work progressed over the past 4 months. COA’s after-school programs for Riverwest youth (ages 7-18) are open Monday through Friday at 909 E. Garfield Ave. The Teen center is open until 7:30 p.m. Teens participate in a wide range of recreational, educational, and social activities: study, pool, computer lab, dance, sports, art, basketball, overnight camp, leadership training, college tours, Bucks and Brewers games, Six Flags, rock climbing, and a variety of other activities planned by the teens. For more information, call COA Youth and Family Centers at 263-8383. Riverwest Currents – Volume 2 – Issue 2 – February 2003