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Project Q

by Kevin Flaherty Kurt Dyer is a young man with a simple mission: don’t let other youth go through what he did when he came out as gay at age sixteen. When Dyer came out in his hometown La Crosse, he found bullying classmates and an unsympathetic family who kicked him out of the house. […]

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Riverwest Teenagers

How I spend my time by Monica Ledbetter (14) Time with friends after school is spent talking on the phone, listening to music, and most of all, doing my homework. Phone conversations are about boys and girls; who is going out with who and who was talking about who. There is a time out for […]

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Teens Seek Meaningful Activities in Neighborhood

by Peter Reese Ask a young person what there is to do in Riverwest and you will get a variety of answers. Playing basketball seems to top the list with “hanging out” being a close second. The days of paper routes and odd jobs seem to be a thing of the past. While most young […]

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Riverwest Teens

by Sonya Jongsma Knauss The place you grow up in influences forever how you see the world. Sitting in smoky Fuel Café one Thursday night, Kate Heimbach, 21, talks about what it’s like to grow up and live in Riverwest. Now she lives in Glendale, where she attended Nicolet High School, and she sees a […]